
Sons of God-Genesis 6 Part 1

Many people believe that Genesis 6 :1-4 indicates that angels (sons of God) and women had sexual relations and engendered a race of giants know as the Nephilim.  They claim that these fallen hybrid beings brought much violence and destruction on the earth.  This violence and...

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Making a Difference

We need to make a difference in the world we live in.  Doing this can be accomplished in many small ways.

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Hypocrisy is a common fault among many people.  It was a trait that Jesus Christ often spoke about.  This message helps us to recognize hypocrisy in ourselves and how to eliminate it.

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Happiness-Blessed by God

Being blessed by God leads to true happiness.

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Spiritual Blindness

We must guard against Spiritual Blindness

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Spiritual Salvation Possible with God’s Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was given on the Day of Pentecost.  One of the blessing of having God's Holy Spirit is that it makes it possible for God's people to obtain salvation.

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The 7th Day

The Sabbath, the 7th day of the week is a blessing God gives us.  In this message we see the importance of physically resting on this day-which is a great blessing.

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The Power of the Holy Spirit

God the Father sent the Holy Spirit to the newly formed church.  The Holy Spirit give us the power to obey and follow God.

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Father’s Day

Father's Day is a very important day.  This message examines the importance of fathers.

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Pentecost and the Holy Spirit

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples and the Church was established.  This message helps us to understand how the Holy Spirit works in our lives.

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