
Walking in Jesus’ Footsteps

People often say we need to walk in Jesus's footsteps. If we could walk in Jesus' footsteps where would we be taken? What we would see Jesus doing?  Walking in the footsteps of the Son of Man would be very enlightening and instructive.  We would see...

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Faith Part 2

In this second message on faith we see that Jesus Christ is our standard. We must strive to become as He is.

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Male and Female Roles

What are the God ordained male and females roles in the church and in the family?

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Don’t Just Keep the Commandments that “Suit” You

We must keep the commandments in a proper attitude.  We should not just keep the commandments that "suit" us.

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Faith Part 1

Faith is very important in our Christian walk.  This message covers the basics of faith

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Do we Believe God?

We must believe God as we continue living our lives.

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Revelation 20:10 Explained

This message examines the fate of the Beast and False Prophet who are cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 20:10.

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Some people claim God is not fair.  Is this true?

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Hosea and Judgement

Hosea is a prime example of how God brings judgement on evil doers.  There are many lessons for us today in this message.

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Foolishness is something that Christians must eliminate from their lives.

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