
Prophecy Part 5-Introduction to the Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel are companion books.  In this sermon we continue our series on prophecy and the Book of Daniel by looking at some foundational concepts that concern the Book of Revelation.

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What should we desire in this life?

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Christ is Bringing a Kingdom

One of the major concepts of prophecy is that Christ is bring a kingdom to this earth.  The Sons of God will help rule this kingdom.  Are you preparing for this responsobility?

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Blessed are the Persecuted

Christ holds in high esteem those who suffer in His name.

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Prophecy Part 4-Daniel 8 The Ram and the Goat

This the fourth sermon in our series on prophecy.  In this sermon the ram and the goat of Daniel 8 are examined.  More details are given about the Medo-Persian and the Greek empire.  Also the "little horn" is further analyzed. 

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Why Christ Must Return

Jesus Christ must return to solve the world's problems, there is no other solution.

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Prophecy Part 3-The Four Beast of Daniel 7

In this third sermon in the prophecy series the 7th chapter of the book of Daniel is examined.  This chapter contains four beasts.  The prophectic meaning of these four beasts is revealed.

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Your First Love

How to keep your spiritual "first love" alive.

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Introduction to Prophecy

We live in some very interesting times. Many prophecies indicate we are living near the "Time of the End." The sermon introduces the subject of Prophecy.

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Prophecy Part 2-Daniel 2 The Great Image

In this second sermon of the prophecy series the second chapter of the book of Daniel is examined.  This prophecy spans more 2500 years.

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