
Evolution and Creation Part 2-Biblical Problems with Evolution

In this second part of a four part series on Evolution we look at some of the Biblical problems with this theory.

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Evolution and Creation Part 1-Background Material

The Theory of Evolution has many Biblical and scientific problems.  In this first part of a four part series we look at some important background material.

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God Wants a Family

God is inviting us to be part of his family.

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What is God Offering Humanity?

What is God's purpose for us?

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Are You Deceived?

Not being decieved is a blessing!

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God’s Purpose for Humanity

Why were you born? What is your purpose? Why did God create humans? What is the purpose of the universe with it multiple billions of galaxies and stars?  This sermon will reveal the answer to these and other questions.

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Easter and the Days of Unleavened Bread

Easter and the Days of Unleavened Bread contrasted.

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New Moons

Are New Moons important? Should they be observed? These and many other questions are answered in this sermon.

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The Spring Feasts are Memorials

Are the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread one and the same or are they separate festivals.  If they are distinct festivals what do they memorialize?

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Job Given Twice as Much

The Book of Job reveals a very interesting principle concerning the resurrection.

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