
The Sabbath

This message covers the Sabbath doctrine.  It answers the following questions.  Where did the Sabbath originate? Who created the Sabbath?  Should we be keeping the Sabbath or Sunday as our day of worship?

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The Church is a Training Program

We are being trained to be Kings and Priests in God's coming kingdom.  This message helps us to realize how important our training is and how God's church is used by Him to train us for our future roles.

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Handling Grief

There is alway grief to face in this life.  This message gives us some understanding on how to handle grief.

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Are You a Good Leader?

We are called in this Christian life to be good leaders.  This message help us to accomplish that purpose.

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Faith Part 5

In this message we continue our series on Faith.

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Preparing for the End Times

Many people spend lots of effort preparing for the end times.  This message reminds us of what we should be preparing for in our Christian walk.

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The Wave Sheaf Offering

During the Days of Unleavened after the weekly Sabbath a very important ceremony took place.  This ceremony began toward the end of  the weekly Sabbath and continued in the morning portion of the first day of the week.  This ceremony was known as the Wave Sheaf Offering...

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Staying Unleavened

During the Days of Unleavened Bread we removed leaven out of our homes. Leaven represents sin and it must be removed both physically and spiritually.  But now that the Days of Unleavened Bread are over we have a new goal.  That goal is to keep sin out of...

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Praise God

We must constantly be in a state of praise.  This is very important because God is praiseworthy.

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The Only Sign

Jesus only gave one sign to an unbelieving generation to prove he was the Messiah.  This message looks at that sign.

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