
Trinity-Is it Biblical?

The Trinity is a foundational doctrine of most mainstream churches. But is it Biblical?

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Fight the Battle

Being a Christian is much like being a solider called to do battle.  We must fight the spiritual battle set before us.

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As keepers of the 10 Commandments, we should have no other Gods before the true God

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Breaking Bread

What does the term "Break Bread" mean?  Today we examine that question.

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Saint’s of God

We in the church are called Saints of God. What does the future hold for the Saints of God?

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Seeking God’s Kingdom

We should be seeking God's Kingdom

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Basics of Prayer

How do we pray, when do we pray, what should we pray about.  Should we pray standing up, kneeling down, or prostate.  This sermon covers the basics of prayer.

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The Rapture

Before Christ returns will he rapture away his followers?  in the Christian world there is much confusion on this topic.This sermon covers the subject of the Rapture.

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How to Be Filled With the Holy Spirit

We must be filled with the Holy Spirit.  How do we do this?

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The Miracle of God’s Holy Spirit

Recieving God's Holy Spirit is a miracle and can transform our lives.

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