

In our Christian life we need to develop more partience. This is a bilingual message in both Spanish and English.

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Desolation of Jerusalem

The ongoing events in the Middle East have raised many questions.  What are some events that will occur in the Middle East that indicate we are approaching the close of this age?

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Being Tested

Our Christian life is a time of continual testing.  We need to make sure we are meeting the daily challenge of being tested.

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Righteous Words

Our words have a profound effect on other people.  As Chrisitans we need to be sure our words are uplifting and correct.

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Inheritors with Abraham

When Christians die do they go to heaven?  If not what is their reward? Scripture indiciate we are inheritors with Abraham, what will he inherit?

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Eclipses and the Hebrew Calendar

Solar and lunar eclipse are based on the orbits/positions of the sun and moon.  The Hebrew Calendar is also based on the position of the sun moon and stars. Since the Hebrew calendar is based on the sun and moon, solar and lunar eclipses often occur on...

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The Reason for Atonement

If the Passover free us from sin and reconciles us to God why do we need another holy day that deals with reconcilation and the putting away of sin?  Antonement answers a need that is not met with the sacrafice of Christ.

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Answer the Call

We have a job to do as Christians.  God is put out the call, are answering God's call?

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What is Our Responsibility When Christ Returns?

Jesus Christ will return. When He returns what will be our responsibility and what should we be doing now to fulfill it?

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The Disciples ask-When Will Christ Return?

On the mount of Olives, in what is known as the Olivet prophecy, the disciples asked when the Messiah would return and the signs of the end of the age.  This sermon examines that topic.

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