

Our word have a great effect on other people.  We must wisely chose the words we use to communicate.

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The Biblical Birth of Christ

The events surrounding the nativity or the birth of Christ have been hijacked by those who follow pagan Christmas traditions.  The true biblical events surrounding the birth of Chirst are very important.  This message focuses on the true nativity of Christ and contrast it with the falsehood of...

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God’s Perfect Law

This message reveals to us the perfection of God's Law.

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Great Miracles of God

This message focuses on how God works miracles in our life.  This message is in Spanish and is translated into English.

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The Sabbath Part 2

This is the second part of a two part series on the Sabbath.  In this part we cover how the Sabbath was kept by  Jesus Christ. We also learn that the Sabbath and Holy Days were kept by the New Testament Christians including the Apostle Paul.

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The Sabbath Part 1

God's true day of worship has been changed from the Sabbath (Saturday) to the first day of the week (Sunday). Most religious people do not fully understand the concept of the Sabbath.  This includes how it began, who created it, and how it still applies to us today. ...

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Power of Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool.  This message expands on that concept.

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From Sabbath to Sunday Part 1

This series of messages show how the Sabbath was changed from the 7th day of the week (Saturday) to the 1st day of the week (Sunday). This is part 1 of a multipart series on the history and background of this subject.

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The Folly of Stuff

"Keeping up with the Jones" is a vicious cycle that take our eyes of God's goal for us.  

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Explaining Galation 4:10

Does Galation 4:10 mean that we can do away with the Holy Days and the Sabbath.  Does it mean that we are under grace can therefore do away with God's Law?  This message sheds light on this subject.

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