
Explaining 1Timothy 4:1-5

Using 1Timothy 4:1-5 many people believe that if you pray over unclean meats then they become fit for human consumption.  Is this true?

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Christ’s Return and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Part 2

Does the Marrige Supper of the Lamb take place in heaven? Can this concept be used to support the Rapture theory? In this second and final part of this sermon series we examine and answer that question.

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Is athesim a correct view? God's creation speaks against this philosophy.  This message is given in Spanish and is translated into English.

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The Biblical teaching on the Soul

Do you have an immortal soul?  What exactly is man? What happens at death? 

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Spiritual Problem Solving

How do you solve spiritual problems?.  This message will help you understand the process.

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Christ’s Return and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Part 1

When Christ returns will he return in secret to rapture the saints, or has he already returned? The Bible is very plain about the return of Christ and the ensuing Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  This is the first part of a two-part series that discusses those questions.

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Your Children’s and Grandchildren’s Inheritance

We are commanded in the scriptures to leave an inheritance for our children and grandchildren.  How can we do this?

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Peace Taken From the Earth

The world needs peace but why is it so elusive?

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From Sabbath to Sunday Part 2

This message continues our series on the Sabbath.  In this message we examine some of the causes for the instituion on Sunday as the day of rest.

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Understanding Difficult Scriptures

When you read a difficult scripture it may be confusing.  This message illuminates some keys to understanding these type of scriptures.

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