
Use the Scriptures

When faced with choices in life always use the scriptures as your authority.

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Leviticus 16-Day of Atonement

The message in Leviticus 16 holds some very important spiritual prinicples.  It is a message that has great deep prophetic significance.

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The Gift of Water

On this Day of Atonement, we realize how important water is physically.  But water also has some important spiritual lessons.

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Satan to be Removed

The Day of Atonement pictures the removal of Satan.  This message gives us details on why that needs to be done.

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The Millennium and Christ’s Return Part 3

This is the 3rd part in our series on The Millenium and Christ's Return.  In this message we cover more of the changes that will happen when Christ establishes his 1000 year kingdom.

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Avoid Vengeance

It is only natural to want to seek vengeance.  This message cautions us against doing so.

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On This Day

On the anniversary of 9-11 terrorist attack it is important to look at some important concepts.  One concept that is often overlooked is the involvement of Satan in the affairs of this present world. The coming Day of Atonement pictures his removal.

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Feast of Trumpets and the Day of the Lord

The Feast of Trumpets pictures when the world will enter the time period known as the Day of the Lord.  

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Racing Towards the Feast of Trumpets

This world is on a one way collision course with the End-Time events mentioned in the Bible.  These events are symbolically pictured by the Feast of Trumpets.

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The Millennium and Christ’s Return Part 2

This is the second of a three part series on the changes that will occur on the earth during the Millennium after the return of Jesus Christ. In this message we look at how relgion and the world's governments will change.

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