
Positive Outlook During Trials

Trials come upon all Christians. We must have a spirit filled positive outlook during these times.

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As Christians we should have a healthy prayer life.  This message reminds us of the importance of prayer.

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Some people place traditon above Biblical teaching.

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Part 2 The Sabbath

This is our second part of the Sabbath message.

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Words Hide the Meaning

In today's society words are often used to hide the meaning.  We must be careful we are not decieved

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Parable of the Wheat and Tares

The Parable of the wheat and tares has some important lessons for us.  We must strive to be like the wheat.

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Satan who was orginally a powerful, wise and beautiful angel rebelled.  This message gives us the background to the history and fate of Satan.

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Be Holy

We must be holy at all times.  This messages give us the keys for helping us to maintain holy lives.

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Part 1 The Sabbath

The keeping of God's Sabbath is very important.  This multipart series examines the Biblical Sabbath

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Why Were You Called?

God calls us into his church. Our calling is very important.  This messages covers many aspects of our calling.

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