
Can Money Buy Happiness?

Many people believe money can buy happiness, is this true?  If money is not the real source of happiness, what is the source of true happiness?

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Spiritual Discernment

Are you spiritually mature?  The Bible talks about being a spiritual babe, it also talks about being a mature Christian.  How can we become more spiritually mature and spiritually descerning?

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Fear God

Fear is all around us.  But we should concentrate on learning to fear God.

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Part 5 Early History of the Church and how the False Church Began

In this part of our history series of the early church we examine some historical sources.

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Prophecy Part 13-Beyond the Millenium

This is the final message in our 13 part Prophecy Series.  This message covers what lies beyond the Millenium.  It discusses some concepts in Revelation 21 and 22 and shows the future potential of God's people.

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Pentecost-Why did God Create the Church

The Day of Pentecost is the birthday of the Church.  Why did God create the church and what is our role in its creation?

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Body of the Church

The church of God is composed of many members.  Each part is important.

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Being a Butterfly

A butterfly must change from a caterpillar into a winged creature.  This is very much like the transformation that we as Christians must make.

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The Holy Spirit and Olive Oil

The Holy Spirit if often likened to olive oil.  In this message we look at the Holy Spirit and how it has the qualities that are in olive oil.

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Godly Grapes

What kind of fruit are you producing in your christian life?  In order to produce fruit you must be connected to Jesus Christ the true vine.

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