
Why Do We Keep the Days of Unleavened Bread?

Why are the Days of Unleavened Bread important? Why should we be keeping these days.

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Unleavened Bread of Malice and Wickedness

It is important during the Days of Unleavened Bread that we get rid of sinful traits.  Two of these traits are malice and wickedness.

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Love Your Neighbor

We are commanded to love our neighbor.  This message highlights the importance of have this type of love.

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Passover Day Chronology

The events of the last Passover of Jesus' life are very important, this was the day that the Messiah the Son of God died.  This Bible Study details the chronology of the events of the last passover of Jesus.   Click on the link below to download the Handout...

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Queen of Heaven

Where did Easter come from?  Does the bible command us to keep it?  This message examines the subject of the origins of Easter and the Queen of Heaven.

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Spritual Incompetence

We are in a world surrounded by incompetence.  Yet the scriptures admonish us to be perfect. How can this be done?

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Luke and the Gospels

The book of Luke is a very important book and it contains many parables.  This message summarizes this gospel.

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Passover Peace

Knowing God brings peace.  The Passover brings us to God and therefore leads to spiritual peace.

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Strength in God

God will give us the strength to finish our race.  Please click on the link below at the approprate time during the sermon to see the video about Cliff Devries who is mentioned in the message. Cliff Devries Diving Video

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Preparing for the Passover

We must prepare spiritually for the Passover.

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