
Traveling God’s Highway

The way into God's Kingdom follows a certain pathway or road.  This message helps us to travel that road.

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What Old Testament Laws Apply Today?

Is the Old Testament done away with?  Do it's laws apply to Christians today.  

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Prophecy Part 9-The Abomination of Desolation

In the book of Matthew, Jesus spoke of the Abomination of Desolation.  This prophecy was given by Daniel the prophet.  What exactly is the Abomination of Desolation that Daniel wrote about and Christ referred to?  This sermon covers that topic.

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Prophecy Part 8-The King of the North and the King of the South

In the book of Daniel is an amazing prophecy.  This prophecy concerns two kings that will come to power at the time of the end. They are known as the King of the North and the King of the South.  This sermon covers them in detail.

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The True Nativity

The Christmas followers have hijacked the true nativity story about the Birth of Jesus Christ.  This message show how to get the true nativity story about Christ's birth, and to seperate fact from fiction.

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Testing All Things

In our search for the truth we must test all things.

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Overcoming Worldly Emotions

This world is caught up in emotions.  This message gives us the keys to overcoming worldly emotions.

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The Spiritual Meaning of God’s Feast Days Part 2

This message continues our series on the meaning of God's Festivals.

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Are We Rich?

Are we rich not in money, but sprititually? 

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Angels Part 2

This message continues on the subject of angel.

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