
Angels Part 1

The subject of angel is a very interesting and encouraging subject.

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The Importance of Attending Church Services

God expects us to attend church services.  This message shows us why.

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A Presumptuous Spirit

We can have a presumtuous spirit in matters pertaining to God.  This can be a stumbling block.

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The Power of God

God is all powerfui.  Here are three examples of the power of God.

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The Spiritual Meaning of God’s Feast Days Part 1

God's Holy Days have spiritual meaning.  Where does this spiritual meaning come from?  This meassage answers that question.

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Prophecy Part 7-Revelation 11 The Two Witnesses

The Two Witnesses are two individuals that appear on the prophectic scene 3 1/2 years before the return of Christ.  This messages cover background information about the Two Witnesses as well as an in dept look at Revelation 11.

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Prophecy Part 6-Daniel 9 The 70 Weeks Prophecy

The prophecy in Daniel 9 concerns a 70 years prophecy and a 70 week prophecy.  This message examines both of those propehcies.

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God’s Kingdom

This world needs God's Kingdom

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Millennial Conditions

This messages give us a description of the conditions on the Millennial earth.  

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Tough as Nails

This Christian life requires you to be spiritually tough.

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