
Part 1-God’s Holy Days

God's Holy Days reveal His plan for Mankind.  Part 1 covers Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost.

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Prophecy Part 4-Revelation 13

This message details the events of Revelation 13 and the rise of the Beast power.  Also covered is the two horned "Lamb/Dragon' beast and the image that was made.  Please download the prophecy chart for Revelation 13 by clicking on the link below. Prophecy Chart-Revelation 13

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This is Not Your Father’s Feast

Because of COVID considerations this year's Feast of Tabernacles will be unique.

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The Transfiguration of Christ

The transfiguration of Christ ocurred during the fall holy day season.  The account in the gospels teaches us many important lessons.

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Administering God’s Government Part 2

This is the second in a series on God's Government.

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Did Jesus Christ have Brothers and Sisters

A major church denomination teaches that Mary the mother of Jesus was a perpetual virgin.  This would mean that Jesus did not have brothers or sisters.  Is this true?

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Administering God’s Government Part 1

How do we put God's Government into our live?  This message gives us the keys to help accomplish that task. This will be Part 1 of a multi-series presentation.

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Keep the Bible Close

One of the key to avoiding sin is to keep the Bible close.

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Prophecy Part 3-Daniel 8

Daniel Chapter 8 introduces us to the Ram and the He-Goat.  We are also given insight into the little horn that comes out of the four horns on the He-Goat.

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Reprobate Mind

We need to have a Christ like mind.  We need to replace our carnal thoughts with God's thoughts.

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