
Prophecy Part 2-Daniel 7

In this study we examine the prophecy in Daniel chapter 7.  We see how the four beasts symbolize the four world ruling kingdoms to come.  We also focus on the identity of the "little horn."

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Prophecy Part 1-Daniel 2

With the beginning of this series on prophecy, we focus on the 2nd chpater of Daniel. In this chapter we have an overview of the kingdoms of this world and how Christ's kingdom will overcome them and fill the whole earth. Please download and print out the attached prophecy...

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In the World but not of the World

We live in the world but we are commanded to come out of the world.  How is this possible?

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New Moons

New Moons are mentioned in the scriptures.  How do New Moons relate to Christians?

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Read the Spiritual Ingredients

When you encounter a concept or an idea do you see the spiritual implications?  In other words do you read the ingredients?

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The Spirit Behind World Events

Why are there so many problems in the world?  To answer that quiestion you must know about the spirit behing world events.

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God’s Plan as Revealed in His Holy Days

God has a plan for christians and for humanity.  This plan is revealed in his Holy Days.

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Don’t Get Sucked In

It is easy to get "sucked in" to this world"s problems.  The world is facing major problems and there is only one answer.

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Jesus Christ Our High Priest

What is Jesus doing, does He have a job?  Yes He does.  The scriptures reveal that He is our High Priest.  This message exams his role as our High Priest.

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Learn from Failure

Failure is part of life. We can use failures in our lives to help us succeed.

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