

Prayer is very important.  This messages shows us why.

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Genesis 1:1 and Bible Study

Bible Study is very important, but the method you use when you study the Bible is important.  Using the first verse of the Bible important principles are discussed about how you should study the Bible.

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Unsinkable Faith/Plan of God

Lessons on how ideas will sink unless they are based on God's plan.

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The quality of Resolve is very important in our Chnstian life.  It can make the difference between entering the Kingdom and being a failure.  This message looks at how important it is to have Resolve in our Chrisitan battle. During this message a video clip is viewed please...

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The Bible talks a lot about fear.  Many fears are healthy. For example, we may be encouraged to succeed because we have a fear of failure.  But there are other fears that can cause us to lose faith, they can cause us to sin, and ultimately these fears...

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Understanding Prophecy

How can we understand prophecy?  This message covers some key points that will help us to understand God's prophetic word.

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Does Jesus Remember Christmas?

What memories does Jesus have of the Christmas celebration?

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Do You Have an Immortal Soul?

Most religions teach that you have an immortal soul.  Is this true? What happens at death?  This message takes an indept look at the concept of the immortality of the soul.

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Are You a Sheep or a Goat?

The Bible talks alot about sheeps and goats.  We should be like sheep.  This message expands on that concept.

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Faith Required for Trials

This message examines the kind of faith that is required for a Christian.  Especially a Christian suffering through various trials.

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