
History of the First Two Centuries of God’s Church

This messages covers the first two centuries of the history of God's Church. It reveals how a new false church rose to power and how God's small scattered flock has been faithful.

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Wax On-Wax Off

Three steps that are important in our goal to obey God.

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Walking in the Light

God is light and it is important that we walk in the light.

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What is Love?

What is love?  Love is defined in many different ways by people.  In this message we look at what the Bible says about love and how love is tied to the two great commandments.

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Armor of God

The Armor of God protects us from Satan's attacks.  This message looks at this armor and shows its importance to us as Christians.

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Lessons from Bees

Nature can teach us many lessons.  In this message the lesson from bees is examined.

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The Feast of Tabernacles is for All

The Feast of Tabernalces is not observed by most people now. However it is a Feast that is for all of humanity.

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Lessons from the Feast of Tabernacles

Lesson that were learned from this year's Feast of Tabernacles

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Atonement and Satan

The Day of Atonement pictures the biniding and removal of Satan.  This must happen before the world can enjoy the peace of God's Kingdom.

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Fasting and Joy

Fasting is difficult, but it should bring us spiritual joy.

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