

As Christians we must have patience with each other and those we come into contact with.

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The Festivals of God

God's Festivals are to be kept by of Humanity.  They were kept in the Old Testament and they will be kept during the 1,000 year rule of Christ.

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Romans 14

An overview of Romans 14 and the importance of not causing offenses in the Church.

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The Church Part 2

How do you become a member of God's Church.  What is required to be placed in the Church that Jesus Christ established?

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Changing the Future

Do you want to be able to control your future?  This message will show you how to to that.

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The Church Part 1

This message begins a multi-part series on the church.  In this message we look at the name Church of God and its relationship to the early New Testament period.

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The Bible-Ahead of its Time

The Bible is a book that is very current and up to date.  It was inspired by God so this is to be expected.

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Terrorism is an age old problem.  What does the Bible say about terrorism?

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What does the Bible have to say about marriage?  This message covers some very important marriage concepts from a biblical perspective.

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End Time Prophecies

What changes will happen when God's Kingdom is established on the Earth?

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