
Was the Law Given on Pentecost?

The Ten Commandments were given from Mt. Sinai, but when were they given?  This message reveals the chronological setting of the giving of the Ten Commandments. Below are two handouts for use during the presentation.  One handout is blank so it can be filled out as the message...

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The Holy Spirit Imparts Understanding

The Holy Spirit was sent to us to help guide us.

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Where are We Going?

This world is lost.  They are all looking for the way that leads to happiness and contentment.  They can not find their way around.  This message will reveal to those who are lost and don't know where they are going the answer to life's problems.

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Where is God’s Church?

How would you identify God's True Church?  This Power Point Presentation will help you find the true church that Jesus Christ founded. It is in Power Point format, please click on the link below to download the Power Point presentation. Where is God's Church?

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A Spiritual Exercise Plan

God has a spiritual exercise plan.  

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God’s Dealings With Israel

How God dealt with Israel both historically and today.

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Who Were the Samaritans?

Who were the Samaritans? Why did the Jews of Christs' time consider them renegades and defiled.  This message takes a historic look at the Samaritans, and the lessons they hold for us today.

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Satan Our Spiritual Adversary

We are in a war. Satan is our enemy and we must be on guard against his tactics. 

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Satan Our Spiritual Adversary

We are in a war. Satan is our enemy and we must be on guard against his tactics. 

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Drawing Close to God

Prayer, meditation, Bible study, and fasting are tools used to draw close to God.  This sermon introduces the subject of how to draw close to God and establish a relationship with Him.

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