
Mother’s Day

The importance of Honoring our mother's on this special day.

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The Unpardonable Sin

What is the unpardonable sin? Can a Christian commit the unpardonable sin? How can we be assured we never commit the unpardonable sin.

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Kindess is an very important principle in the life of a Christian.

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The Deceitfulness of Sin

Sin is decietfull, it can overpowrer us.  These are some of the reasons that sin can overpower us.

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Train Your Mind

We must train our mind in order to cast sin out of our lives.

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Christ the Bread of Life

During the Days of Unleavened Bread we must eat unleavened bread.  Christ is the true bread of life.  We must partake of Him and make Him part of our life to be able to get sin out of our lives.  This is one of the main messages...

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The True Good News About Christ

The world is full of fake or false news.  There is much false new about Christ.  This message helps us to sort out the truth from the false news about our Savior.

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Why We Should Keep the Days of Unleavened Bread

Most people who claim to be Christian do not keep the Days of Unleavened Bread.  However we are commanded to do so in the scriptures.  This message overviews the reason we as Christians should be keeping these days.

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Self Righteousness

During the Days of Unleavened Bread we are supposed to get rid of sin.  One of the most difficult of sins is the sin of self-righteousness. This message helps us to remove this barrier to holiness.

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The Passover an Expression of God’s Love

God the Father gave His Son to be a sacrifice for all of mankind.  This was the ultimate expression of love.

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