
Biblical Catastrophism

Uniformatarianism and Catastrophism are on opposite end of the discussion.  Is the Bible a catasrophic book or does it follow the principle of uniformatarianism?  

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Are the 10 Commandments Obsolete?

Many say that the 10 Commandments have been done away with, or nailed to the cross or somehow do not apply today. Is this true?

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Our Wondorous Physical Bodies

The human body is a marvel.  It shows us the power and creative ability of our God.  This messages shows us how much God loves us by the way in which He provides for us in health and in sickness.

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The Power of Our Example

Our example is a powerful tool in the process of preaching the gospel message.

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Why did God Create the Church?

God brought the New Testament church into existance on the Pentecost after Christ's crucifixition.  What is the purpose of the church.  How does God use the Church.  Those questions and others are answered in this message.

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Prayer and our Relationship to God

Prayer is an important tool in our relationship to God.  How often should we pray and how should we pray.  These concepts are covered in this message.

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Eternal Life

Although we do not have an immortal soul we will be granted eternal life.

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Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing is very important.  Luke one of the writers of the gospel was a doctor and was very familiar with this terrm.

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Sin and its Effects

Sin is all around us.  It is also part of our nature.  All have sinned and the result is all will die.  Although we are all sinners we must struggle against sin.

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Our Future

In this life we will face challenges and our future may contain problems and difficulties.  But we have a Christian responsobility to move forward, to not give up.

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