
God’s Saints

God's people are saints, and the saints have an awesome potential.

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The Paganism of Christmas

Christmas is a pagan celebration.  Many of its customs have come to the Christian world as adaptations of various pagan celebratations.  This message exams the paganism behind this religious holiday. This study was given in Powerpoint format.  Please click on the power point link below to...

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Honor Your Parents

Honoring your father and mother is one of the ten commandments.  This message shows the importance of honoring our earthly parent.

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Evolution-A Fairy Tale for Adults

Evolution is a fairy tale for adults. Although it claims to be based on science it is not.  This messages gives an orview of some of the problems.

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Why I Don’t Keep Christmas

This message gives important reasons for not keeping Christmas

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The Doctrine of the Resurrections

Hebrews chapter six lists the church doctrines. One of them is the resurrection of the dead.  This message looks at that doctrine in detail.

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Don’t Sell Your Birthright

Esua sold his birthright for a bowl of beans.  We must not despise our spiritual birthright.  We must never let it go.

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Going on to Perfection

A Christian will be striving to live a life that pleases God the Father.

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We Should Let Our Light Shine

As Christian we must let our light shine. 

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Children are a Blessing From God

Children are a gift from God.  They can teach us many important sprititual principles.

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