
The Interpreter

Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit is our interpreter.  He helps us understand spiritual principles.

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The Glory of God

God is a glorious being.  He is surrounded by glory.  One day as his children we will put on that glory.

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The Last Great Day and the Book of John

The book of John describes Jesus' Last "Last Great Day." The lesson in the book of Jonh help us to understand the Great White Throne Judgement period.

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Mercy and Atonement

Mercy is connected to the Day of Atonement

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Why Do We Keep the Day of Atonement

Keeping the Day of Atonement is very important.

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The Trumpet Blasts of Revelation

The Feast of Trumpets shows that a time of war and trouble is coming upon the earth shortly before the return of Christ.  This time period is outlined in the trumpet blasts of Revelation.

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Challenges to The Family Structure

The modern family is being attacked by certain modern concepts. This message overviews these concerns and how to guard against them.

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Return of Christ and the End of War

When Jesus Christ returns, as indicated by the Feast of Trumpets, mankind warlike nature will change.

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Update on the Acuna, Mexico Congregation

An update on the newly formed church congregation in Acuna, Mexico.

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The Power of Satan

Why is Satan bound during the 1,000 year rule of Chrisit.  This message answers that question

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