
Tithing its Administration Part 3

This message, the 3rd and final in our series, covers the administration of Tithing.

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Clean and Unclean

Is the clean and unclean distinction for meats still in effect. Some people claim that this part of God's law has been nailed to the cross and done away with.  Is this true?

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This message covers the importance of music. How it affects us and how to properly use it in worship.

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Doctrine of Tithing Part 2

This is the second in our three part series on Tithing.

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Being a Winner

This message covers priniciples that will help make you a "spiritual" winner.

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The Doctrine of Tithing Part 1

This is a beginning message on the doctrine of tithing.  Others to follow will include its administration.

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Water and the Holy Spirit

Water is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.  This message looks at the Holy Spirit and water.

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The Message to the Seven Churches of Revelation

Jesus sends a message to the seven churches listed in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.  Althought this message was given many centuries ago it holds importance for us today.

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We must be approved by God if we are to please him.

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Christian Priorities

God gives us the priorities we should be developing in this life.  This messages reveals how it is important to put first things first.

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