
Wave Loaves

The Wave Loaves were offered on the day of Pentecost according to the instructions in Leviticus 23.  This message overviews their meaning for us today.

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Pentecost and the Holy Spirit

Pentecost was when the Holy Spirit was given to the New Testament Church.  This message helps us to see why the Holy Spirit was given and how it changes people.

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Living for the Future Era

We live in this present world.  However the scriptures reveal that there is another world coming.  This future world is the Kingdom of God.  We should be focused on living in the future world and not this present world.

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The choices we make can affect our spiritual life.  We must choose wisely if we are to please God.

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How to Figure Pentecost

There are many different ways of determining on what day Pentecost is observed.  This Bible Study reviews from the Bible the instructions for how to determine on what day Pentecost should be observed. Please click on the links below to the two worksheets used in this study. Wavesheaf Worksheet ...

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Not Lost or Forgotten

This message reminds us that the Holy Spirit is our link to God

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God’s Covenant and His Spirit

The covenant God makes with us can only be understood by us because we have the Holy Spirit.  It must be understood on a spiritual level.

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Helping Others Change

Helping others to change can only be done when we have changed.  

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Seeing Yourself as You Are

What are we really like?  Do we appear to others as we see ourselves?  Do others know the real you?  How does God see us? All these questions are considered in this message.

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The Abrahamic Covenant

The covenant God made with Abraham is the basis for our salvation.  This message take an in-depth look at that convenant it how it impact us.

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