
The 9th Commandment

Lying is easy, but God admonishes us to be truthful in all we do.

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Our Example

Our example as Christians is important.  We are examples not only to our family, but to those in and out of the faith.

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Something is Missing

Humans are missing something.  This missing component is what brings us true happiness and satisfaction.

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God’s Covenant and Becoming His Sons

God has made promises to us.  These promises are contained in His covenant...the New Covenant.  This New Covenant reveals the way to becoming His childern, His sons.

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The Sabbath

The Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments.  It is critical that Christians understand the importance of the Sabbath.  This message reviews the Sabbath doctrine.

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Procrastination can affect your life.  In the Christian life we must put first things first.  This message gives you some keys to overcoming procrastination.

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Honoring the Sabbath Day

The Sabbath day was part of the creation week.  After creating humanity on the sixth day God created the Sabbath on the seventh.  How do we honor this day, the same day of which Jesus said, "For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."

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Helping Those in Sorrow

The world is full of people who are sorrowing.  How do you help those who are suffering and sorrowing.  This message provides basic principles to help those who are in a time of grief.

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Old Testament Israel and the Holy Spirit

Ancient Israel, the Israel of the Old Testament did not recieve the Holy Spirit, why?  This message answers that question.

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Using God’s Spirit to Change

God's Spirit helps us to change.  This message shows how that is possible.

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