
The Kingdom of God is Coming

God's Kingdom is coming and we must remember that we are not of this world, although we live in the world.  Our citizenship is in heaven and Christ is bringing it with Him when He returns.

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Pre-Flood Archaeology Part 5-The Noachian Flood

Our series on the pre-flood world continutes. This study looks at the Flood of Noah mentioned in Genesis 6 which was an earth wrecking experience.  This message takes an indepth look at the great worldwide flood. Topics that will be discussed include; could the ark carry all the...

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Why do We Keep God’s Feasts

Why do we keep God's Feasts.  This messages shows the spiritual importance of keeping these days as commanded in the scriptures.

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The Bridegroom’s Letters

Jesus Christ is our future husband, he is our bridegroom.  It is important that we read his letters to us---the Bible.

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Origins of False Religion Part 9-The Church Through the Centuries and the Quartodeciman Controversy

This is our final message on The Origin of False Religion.  This message covers the history of the church after the new testament period.  It also details the Quartodeciman controversy that was prevelant in the church during the first few centuries.  This controversy was between those that...

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The Blood of Christ

The blood of Christ is a very important part of the salvation process.  It is one of the emblems of the Christian Passover and seals the new covenant.  This message overviews its importance.

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Pigs are Part of God’s Creation

Although pigs are unclean and should not be eaten, they serve a very important part in God's creation.

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The Blessing of Knowing the Truth

The church has been sanctified by the truth.  Knowing the truth helps and protects us in many ways.

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Origins of False Religion Part 8-The First Few Centuries of the Early Church

This is a continuation of the Origins of False Religion.  It shows how error slowly crept into the once pure New Testament Church.

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Longsuffering is one of the fruits of the spirit.  This messages stresses the importantance of that Christian quality.

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