
Origin of False Religion Part 5-Origin of False Christianity

The religion of the Bible and of most churches is not in agreement.  What happened historically to produce this outcome.  This next part in the series of False Religion gives us the background to this amazing story.

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Pre-Flood Archaeology Part 3-Pre-Adamic and Early Man

This message continues our multi-part series on Pre-Flood Archaeology.  In this message the fossil record of early man is examined.  Who were the australopithecines, Homo erectus, and Neanderthal men.  Where do they fit into the biblical record.  In actuality this study shows that the properly interperted...

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The Coming Kingdom

In many prophecies in the Bible a coming kingdom is discussed.  What will this kingdom be like?  What changes will it bring? Who will be the leaders.  This sermon examines and answers those questions.

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The Atonement Ceremony

In Leviticus 16 is a small ceremony hidden away in the Old Testament.  This ceremony has great prophetic meaning.  This sermon exams the prophetic meaning of this little understood portion of the scriptures.

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Unity With Christ

How can we be at one with God the Father and Christ.  This sermon gives us the keys to accomplishing that goal.

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The End-time Trumpet Blasts

At the time of the end God will begin to intervene in the affairs of man.  

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The Importance of a Sound Mind

Having a sound mind is very important.  The Holy Spirit can help you develop a sound mind.

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The Trumpets of Revelation

The book of Revelation is composed of 7 trumpet blast.  These trumpets are blow during the "Day of the Lord." A time shortly before the return of Christ when God begins to intervene in man's affairs.  

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Money Corrupts

Money corrupts and is corruptible.  Mankind will be changed at the return of Chirst. He shall put on incorruption.  Strive for the incorruptible which are the true riches.

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Itchy Ears

The Bible speaks of itchy ears.  Christian that want to hear smooth things and easy saying suffer from itching ears.  This sermon shows you how to protect yourself from this common problem and not be moved about by every wind of doctrine.

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