
Our Christian Duty

We are soldiers of Christ. Just as soldiers have a duty to follow orders we as christians must follow the orders of our Commander in Chief.  This is our christian duty.

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Origins of False Religion Part 7-Transition from Christian to a Roman Based Religion

The church of the Apostles kept the Sabbath, Holy Days and the laws of Clean and Unclean, among various other doctrines.  How did the early church move from these Christ given doctrines to a church that was based on a Roman religion.  This sermon looks at those concepts.

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The Origins of Christmas

Where did Christmas come from?  Did Christ and the early church celebrate Christmas? Can and should we put Christ back in Christmas? These and many other questions are answered in this sermon..the answer may surprise you!

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Pre-flood Archaeology Part 4-The Biblical Longevity of the Patriarchs

Our series on the pre-flood world continues.  This study looks at Biblical longevity.  The Bible states in many places that people before and after the flood lived for hundreds of years.  How was this possible? This study looks at some of the possibilites. This study was given...

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Origin of False Religion Part 6-Origin of False Christianity

How did pagan ideas creep into modern Christianity?  This sermon will begin to look at the answer to this question

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Get Wisdom

Wisdom is very important for Christians.  This messages shows why we must get wisdom and what benefits it brings.

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Salvation for Humanity

This sermon reveals the process that God is using to bring many sons and daughters into salvation.

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The Changing Role of Grandparents

The role of grandparents is changing as society is changing.  This message gives us insight into this concept.

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The Three Resurrections

Heaven is not the reward of the saved.  The Bible speaks of three resurrections.  The saved die, which is likend to sleep and then they are brought back to life. These resurrections are discussed in detail in this sermon.

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Don’t Run Out of Gas

Staying fully charged is very important for Christian.  We need to make sure that in our Christian race we do not run out of gas

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