
The First and Greatest Commandment

What it the greatest commandment and how important is it?

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Being Right with God

We must do what is right in our relationship with God.

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Biblical Faith

As Christians we must have faith, but what is faith, and why is it important.  This sermon looks at these concepts.

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Christ the Bread in Us

The Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread teach us that we are to make Jesus Christ part of our being.  He is the bread of life that feeds and sustains us.

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The Wave Sheaf Offering

In the Old Testament an offering is mentioned that was performed during the Days of Unleavened Bread.  Does this offering have any meaning for us today and what is the relationship of this offering to the work of Christ?

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The Theme of the Days of Unleavened Bread

The theme of the Days of Unleavened Bread is to make Christ part of your life.

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Is Your Religion Selfish?

Did God place you in His Church so that you could be offered salvation, or is there more to the story than just your personal salvation?

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Our Prayers are like Incense

Incense were offered to God with many of the sacrifices.  This message reveals that our prayers are much like incense.

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Staying Unleavened

How do we stay unleavened after the Days of Unleavened Bread are over?  

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We are Superman

God is the only "Super Hero" that Christians need.

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