
We are His Disciples

The importance of being a disciple of Christ.

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The Biblical Passover

Jesus Christ the God of the Old and New Testament.  He gave detailed instructions on when the Passover should be kept and how it should be kept.  This message reviews those concepts.

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God in Our Lives

God is very much concerned with his children.  We are reminded of that in this message.

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Origin of False Religion Part 3-Post Flood

False religion orginiated in the post flood world.  This 3rd part in this series of false religion sheds further light on the subject.

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The Spring Festivals

The Spring Festivals are part of God's plan for humanity.  In this sermon we take an indepth look at these Festivals

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Overcoming Adversity

Life is full of problems and challenges.  This messages teaches us how to face them head on.

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The Bible and Carbon-14 Dating

Carbon 14 Dating is one of the radiometeric dating techniques used to date ancient artifacts and fossils.  But many of the Carbon-14 dates do not agree with the biblical dates. For example early man is radiocarbon dated to tens of thousand of years ago, yet the Bible indicates that man...

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A Historical look at Genesis 5

The book of Genesis if filled with much history.  This chapter deals with the family of Adam through the line of Seth and ends with the events shortly before the flood.  We learn much about the true history of early man from this chapter.  (Note: this Bible...

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Origin of False Religion Part 2-Post Flood

This messages gives us the background for the origin of false religion and its history after the Noachian flood.

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Satan our Enemy

Why does Satan hate God's people.  This message will cover some of the reasons that God hates the heirs of Salvation.

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