
The Return of Christ

What is the greatest event that will transform the world.  The answer is the return of Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings.  This event willl transform the world as we know it.

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Jesus Christ the Perfect Example of Masculinity

Jesus was born as a man.  He was the perfect example for men of what a man should be like.  This sermon examines the masculintiy of Jesus Christ.

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Christians and Politics

What kind of attitude should a Christian have about politics?  Is God involved in who becomes this world's political leaders.  This sermon covers questions that concern us as we live in a world ruled by human beings.

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Don’t Hold Grudges

As Christian we should love others.  Holding a grudge is contrary to that principle.  

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Go to Your Brother

How should problems and offences between brothers in the church be handled?  

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Trusting in God Brings Blessings

The key for being blessed by God is simple-we must learn to trust and obey him.

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The Origin of False Religion Part 1-Preflood

Where did this world's religious systems orginiate?  They are based on very ancient systems which have their origin in the ancient historical past.  This sermon expands on that topic.

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Lazarus and the Rich Man

When you die do you go to heaven, or maybe to an everburning hell.  Many religious people look to the account of Lazarus and the rich man as support for these concepts.  What exactly is the proper understanding of the account of Lazarus and the rich man.  ...

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Avoiding Spiritual Poisons

We must avoid spiritual poisons that would harm us spiritually.

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Am I in Spiritual Shape

Staying in shape physcially is very important.  But it is more important to be in good spiritual shape.

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