

Jerusalem is a pivotal point not only in history but also in prophecy.  This messages overviews the coming events that will affect the City of Peace.

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Hosea a Lesson for Us Today

The life of the prophet Hosea reveals some important lessons for us today.

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How can we change?  Christianity requires us to change and we must conform ourselves to God's will and purpose.  The scriptures outline a plan that will help transform you and change you.  This process is called baptism.  This sermon looks at the doctrine of Baptism.

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What is Biblical Mediation.  All the partiarchs practiced meditation.  The scriptures indicate that meditation is a powerful tool ranked alongside of prayer, bible study, and fasting.  This message will give us some keys into how to incorporated meditation into our spiritual lives.

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Prophecy Part 2: Israel in Prophecy

As we look at the prophetic march of events in the bible, we need to consider the nation of Israel as mentioned in the Old Testament.  This nation is very important in the prophetic plan of God.

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The Name of God’s Church

Churches go by many names.  Some are named after their founders, some are named after a distincitvie doctrine, and others are named for various traditional viewpoints. But what should be the name of God's true church?

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Becoming a Positive Christian

We live in a world where negativity abounds.  This is Satan's attitude.  We need to develop a positive outlook on life and make it part of our spiritual character.

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Sin is all around us.  We need to avoid sin and get it out of our lives.

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Living by Faith

We need to live by faith.  This message show through the example of one of the prophets how to live by faith.

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Prophecy Part 1: Introduction to Prophecy

With this message we begin a multi-part series on prophecy.  This introductory message covers some intresting concepts we must understand before we begin our prophectic study.

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