
Pentecost-The Wave Sheaf Connection

How do we determine when Pentecost is observed.  The scriptures indicate that the 50 day countdown for Pentecost begans on the day after the Sabbath when the wave sheaf is offered.  But which  Sabbath is the scripture referring too? is it the weekly Sabbath or the annual Sabbaths...

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The Reward of the Firstfruits

This is our second message on the First Fruits. In this message we look at how the first fruits are rewarded.

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Midst of the Feast-Knowing the Father

How can we know the Father.  During the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus reveals one method on how to know the Father.

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Human Selfishness

How can we overcome our own human nature? This message helps us deal with that question.

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We are the Firstfruits

As we approach the Feast of Pentecost we must remember we have been called to be Firstfruits

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Spiritual Growth

We must develop spiritually as Christian.  We can not remain stagnant, we must develop spiritually.

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Spiritual 360

We must be spiritually aware of what is going on around us.  We must do a "Sprititual 360" This will help us avoid pitfalls we may encounter in our spiritual walk.

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God is Love

God is love. Thls is part of his nature.  As Christians we must live and grow in God's love.

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The Symbolism of the First Day of Unleavened Bread

The First Day of Unleavened Bread is full of spiritual significance.

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What Type of Christian Should You Be?

Becoming the right type of Christian

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