
God’s Creation

Does God exist?  The evidence for His creation is all around us.  

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Christ our Shepherd

Christ is our Shepherd.  He will always take care of us, we are part of his flock.

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Come Out of Her My People

We are living in Babylon.  Many scriptures indicate that Babylon the Great and Babyonian traditions will be very popular as time progresses and especially right before the return of Christ.  We must live pure lives untainted by Babylonian concepts.  We must Come Out of Her My People.

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Four Characteristic of the Acts 2 Church

The New Testament church was established in Acts 2.  What was this church like?  Are their lesson that this church can teach us today?

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Life is for Service

We have been called to a life of service is we are Christians.

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How the Holy Spirit Changes Men

On the day of Pentecost the apostle and disciples recieved the Holy Spirit.  This message examines how the recieving of the Holy Spirit changed peoples lives.

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Go To Your Brother

What should we do if we have a problem with another church member.  This message gives the Bible's pathway for how to deal with an offended brother.

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The Holy Spirit Helps Us Change

The Helper also known as the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to change.

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God’s First fruits

Pentecost reminds us that we are God's Firstfruits

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Keeping Your Word

A Christian is known by being truthful and keeping your word is part of this admirable trait.

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